Friday, September 5, 2008

Anna Podedworna And Katarzyna Redesiuk

ue this Section Association began in CESEX, set a target number one alleviate the most pressing problem affecting their workers: the high rate of eventuality. This possibility is shown in all areas where our work is developed, but has a greater intensity in the workers who provide services in agriculture due to the large number of colleagues stationed in the Ministry. At all meetings of the Works Council this has been the number one big issue, why it was agreed to seek work and contracts of all staff including contingency planning in cases such as this: the creation of new entities. Commissioning and the start of activities
is the perfect occasion to try to reduce all that is disproportionate to the event-rate in line with repeated directives issued from the regional government, as now not a problem unique to CESEX, but this problem also has GPEX.


There FONAMA bad precedent, a perfect example of what not to be a process of starting a business and downsizing. Not consulted the works council, provided the charges are to be occupied by middle managers sho, and the Director of GPEX and controls that follow, it seems they are willing to comply, the new company shall be subrogated to all other legal and labor relations of all employees of group companies that move to the new Society .

CAREER Second, and just as we have been calling for since the election campaign must be the opportunity to play in providing jobs, the staff now serves on CESEX but not agriculture, but to other organs of government with other responsibilities. The provision of headquarters, and other destinations or jobs in the newsociety will, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of Workers and other labor regulations in force, must be made according to objective criteria agreed with the Committee for Enterprise, based on qualifications, merit and capacity through a public call for preferential targeting CESEX workers who want to move forward and choose to serve the


, which to some may be a way to channel his career, to which all are entitled, and not just a few, as it seems he believes the company (GPEX and CESEX).


CHTMworkers, aspirations of all who work in the group and societal demands of Extremadura. GPEX is presented with CESEX and a great opportunity to do things right once. Hopefully not waste it, and subject to the manifestations of the Director General of the Group within the meaning of the law scrupulously