Saturday, August 15, 2009

Blood Blister On My Gum

1, both known in the first year

2 both became starters in their first year of secondary

3, the two are the strongest in the Seigaku

4 both almost never lose

5 both break the rule of not playing in his first Anoy do

6 Fuji has been the only one who to take their hands in the series Tezuka

7 Fuji has been the only one that has punctuatedLXC 13 Fuji jealous of Marilyn Tezuka bonsai

14 is inspired by Tezuka Fuji


always go together either watching a game or in some images

16 Tezuka just smiles while alone with Fuji

17 to finish the game Tezuka vs Sanada, Tezuka Fuji helps to leave the court


18 are nice


make a very cute and beautiful couple

20 is known as the Strongest pair in English and English as the perfect pair

21 were colleagues in the same classroom

22 both sing beautiful songs together two

23 in the ending of Story 1 anther the two come together

24 both are meant to be together

25 have a very good combination

26 is one of the most famous couples and best known of the history

27 both were very nice children

28 both come together in one of the scenes from the anime movie

29 both have many Japanese pages with a picture of them two

30 both have a sadistic side

31 both have many many fans

32 in a chapter of the roll makes Fuji chibis women in distress and the hero Tezuka

33 both wear masks been the only one who has embraced the series Tezuka

41 in the game Kirihara vs Fuji, Fuji and Tezuka Tezuka think Fuji

42 are the only ones remaining from Seigaku, chapter sizer 43 both have a mini discucion by salt and sauce, just between them


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