Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sensor Light Eml Series E100

I chose that icon just because this whole post will be about something I love: Spaghetti Western films directed by the awesome Sergio Leone ! =D I want to share a couple of tracks from his masterpiece " Once upon a time in the West ".

At the end of this post you'll find a short list I highly reccomend. ;)

Cheyenne is my favourite character, but I feel kind of sorry for Morton ... the railroad tycoon Cheyenne calls Mr. ChooChoo
You know the movie, right? BTW, Recently I've been watching:

- Giù la testa (" Duck, you sucker! ")
- Per qualche dollaro in più ("For a few dollars more)
- Il mio nome รจ Nessuno (My Name is Nobody )


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