Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Do I Take My 0.5 Mg Ativan

Today is our anniversary: 64 years of republican Government. This

Same day, in 1946 There Was a referendum about Italy Which kind of Government Should Have taken; Our People Refuse to keep the Costitutional Monarchy and chose the Other form. I Can Understand It, Since the Savoia Family is Actually Composed by idiots!
However, I still Sabaudia Respect the coat of arms, that's Because Our First king and Prime Minister Are the founding fathers of Our current nation and I'm very Devoted to These two persons. Now we're finally going to prepare the 150th anniversary of Our unification: modern Italy Was Born on March 17th, 1861 (after Centuries of U.S. foreign domination). I can not wait! =)

Here andou can see our President Giorgio Napolitano and our Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi while paying homage to Altar of the Fatherland today. (I'll post some videos about the military parade, if possible)


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