Friday, July 30, 2010

Construction Loan Calculator Canada General Update

Hi everybody ... sorry for being so absent, I finally took the first flight to Reus, Spain and I finally reached my parents over here; I didn't have enough time to check my friend's pages because I'm fixing a couple of things inside my room: we're looking for a new desk and we've to paint again something as well. (if you think I missed something important, please, let me know! I'll be happy to read your updates ;)

On August 7th we're going to leave for short trip to Andalusia ... we're planning to visit Sevilla , Granada and Cordoba ; there're a lot of wonderful monuments built during the Omayyad, Almoravid, Almohad and Nasrid Dinasties (from 756 to 1492). I love everything about Islamic architecture and style; I'm sure I'll Love Those places. Some I hope to post photos When I'll be back! : D

I hope Everything is OK for you all.
Take care everyone!


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