Monday, August 23, 2010

What Happens When An Infant Has A Ear Infection

The Climabús, a bus containing a itienerante exhibition on climate change and sustainable development, "was visited by more than two hundred people in the two days he was parked in the background the Praza Maior. He remained there on Saturday and all day yesterday to explain to Lugo what is climate change and the impacts it has on the planet that is already being felt, as explained , one of their guides.

The exhibition also presents data on how citizens' daily behavior can help stop climate changeattic, with measures such as turning off lights or appliances when not in use.

The vehicle was donated by the city of Burgos for the experience, which starts Oxygen Foundation with sponsorship from various organizations and institutions including the Ministry of Environment. With this initiative, 90 cities have come and English. Today and tomorrow will be in Foz Ribadeo.

Inside, visitors can see for themselves how much electricity each type of bulb on the market, see what materials can be used in construction to build a sustainable-usedo, for example, wool as an insulator, or see how a solar-powered battery.

A bus doors, the exhibition also installed a solar shower, where water is heated by the hot sun or a furnace that is fed with the same energy source. also shows a solar heater.

The initiative also aims to raise public awareness to restrict the use of motor vehicles, with consequent reduction of pollutants in the atmosphere, which includes a folding bike between objects that compose it.

Throughaudiovisual information and an exhibition of 15 panels show the causes, consequences and possible solutions that can be taken in daily life to change the trend in climate. Among the most intriguing recommendations is that of using a water jug to keep cool rather than putting the bottles in the refrigerator.


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