Monday, August 23, 2010

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are reserved for practice. "Many citizens may be formed through these initiatives, then find a job. In this case, the new home of the skilled trades to students about renewable solar energy, a professional mode is now much in demand in society, "said Councilman Andrew Egea.

The training initiative is funded by the Department of Employment of the Board of the Consistory of Huércal Andalucíay Overa. After the end of the year, participants will get an official certificate.

addition, the council Works and Services also reported that the selection of staff will take place from September. Classes are taught by two instructors and the program will also include a director.

"The most important thing is to forge future professionals in this sector and what it is to insert the workforce to everyone you can. Since the City will continue working on this line, "the council works and services.


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