Sunday, October 31, 2010

Black Button Up Shirts With Neon Green Pinstripes

Hi everybody! Sorry if I did not update this place Lately, But I've been kind of busy, I hope Everything is OK over there. I just want to wish you Happy Halloween and share a recipe Could you try for this special occasion: It's Zucca Risotto with (rice with pumpkin). I'm sure you'll like it! : D BTW, let me know What you think about it.

On a side note, I can tell you I'm finally going to upload Some new photos, However, It Will not Be Something about my summer trip to Andalusia, Not yet at least. University started a couple of weeks ago and I'm very happy Because I'll study Latin this year, It'll be a nice one, I suppose. (I'm planning to spend as much time as possible Before a good glass of beer with my old friends, this is my current philosophy! :)

That's all for now, folks! See you tomorrow.


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