Monday, November 1, 2010

Head Lice And Hair Extensions The Virgin on the Chestnut Tree

Hi everybody! Today I'm here to tell you a local legend: Muggiò looks like a small city with nothing special to share, But we're all wrong, Because there're FEW interesting places to consider; one of Them is the small rural chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Chestnut Tree (Also known as Our Lady of Sorrows ). It has-been recently restored for ITS 500th anniversary and visit it now You Can Every Tuesday morning. The chapel WAS
Founded in 1510, reworked Then Between the seventeenth and eighteenth century for want of Count Giuseppe Bolagnos , Who Decides His personal gift to make to the local community, as you can see, it preserved ITS Neo-Baroque Classical características Until Nowadays. The chapel whe day after between the branches of its chestnut tree, and then moved again inside the church; however, even if the priest ordered to patrol the area, the statue disappeared again. After finding it on the chestnut tree every morning, the priest decided to build a chapel around the tree itself!

Probably the trunk is still there, under the altar, supporting our beautiful Virgin. :)

I hope you liked this short photographic album.
See you soon!!! ;D


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