Friday, September 5, 2008

Anna Podedworna And Katarzyna Redesiuk

ue this Section Association began in CESEX, set a target number one alleviate the most pressing problem affecting their workers: the high rate of eventuality. This possibility is shown in all areas where our work is developed, but has a greater intensity in the workers who provide services in agriculture due to the large number of colleagues stationed in the Ministry. At all meetings of the Works Council this has been the number one big issue, why it was agreed to seek work and contracts of all staff including contingency planning in cases such as this: the creation of new entities. Commissioning and the start of activities
is the perfect occasion to try to reduce all that is disproportionate to the event-rate in line with repeated directives issued from the regional government, as now not a problem unique to CESEX, but this problem also has GPEX.


There FONAMA bad precedent, a perfect example of what not to be a process of starting a business and downsizing. Not consulted the works council, provided the charges are to be occupied by middle managers sho, and the Director of GPEX and controls that follow, it seems they are willing to comply, the new company shall be subrogated to all other legal and labor relations of all employees of group companies that move to the new Society .

CAREER Second, and just as we have been calling for since the election campaign must be the opportunity to play in providing jobs, the staff now serves on CESEX but not agriculture, but to other organs of government with other responsibilities. The provision of headquarters, and other destinations or jobs in the newsociety will, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of Workers and other labor regulations in force, must be made according to objective criteria agreed with the Committee for Enterprise, based on qualifications, merit and capacity through a public call for preferential targeting CESEX workers who want to move forward and choose to serve the


, which to some may be a way to channel his career, to which all are entitled, and not just a few, as it seems he believes the company (GPEX and CESEX).


CHTMworkers, aspirations of all who work in the group and societal demands of Extremadura. GPEX is presented with CESEX and a great opportunity to do things right once. Hopefully not waste it, and subject to the manifestations of the Director General of the Group within the meaning of the law scrupulously

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Condition Ofdizziness

does comply with its obligations. It is necessary to enforce those rights, many of them achieved after long processes of social and union struggles, through which have improved working conditions.
A first important step was the holding of union elections and the constitution's first Works Council. Now we must exercise the right to collective bargaining that leads to a collective agreement. We bring today Courts chronicle the review published on 2 August in the Journal today, giving account of the Judgement of the Labour Court No. 3 from Plasencia by declaring unlawful the dismissal of a CESEX worker, hired by the d & amp; iacute; to January 2, 2008 - and forces the City Council Jerte to compensate or take back the latter option, you chose your partner Vicente Ángel Simón (CNT union delegate) , who is expecting that the City complies with the Judgement. When you violate the substantive rights of workers, we have another right: the effective judicial protection, enshrined in the English Constitution of 1978.




improcedenyou monitor the dismissal of a Throat of Hell

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


08/04/2008] Information note from the meeting with the Director of GPEX (pdf)


Jaime Ruiz Peña is in favor of collective bargaining

Merida July 31, 2008. C HTMLXC

At a meeting held the morning of Thursday 31 July between the Director General of the parent company of CESEX, Society of Public Administration of Extremadura, SAU (GPEX) and legal representatives of workers, he was in favor of a smooth negotiation between the Works Council and the Department of CESEX, SAU, as is evident from the briefing note released by this Section

Sunday, July 13, 2008

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In defense of social Europe | Asturias Opinion
In defense of social Europe 14/07/2008

The working time directive is being amended for some time by Deputy Alejandro Cercas, Extremadura, with family in Mieres cradle of English trade unionism. In its first reading in Parliament, sought to unify the law, avoiding, among other things, that in Britain there is virtually unlimited working time (prevailing custom, perverse, of individual liberties to alleged road contract) and by the recognition of the period Guard, including the idle time as working time. Now, like a recurring nightmare, the rule returns to Parliament for second reading.individual orking a means of regulating working conditions over collective agreements and inspections by the labor authorities. And exceptions are conducive to the limit of 48 hours, rising to 65 per week, or even higher, as applicable periods of computation.

endorse the words of Alexander that we are facing the great European debate: "If Social Europe is consolidated advances Europeanism, in the same way that Euro-skepticism grows with initiatives against social rights." Sarkozy focuses its renovations to allow working time you want without concern for the health and collective security. The red light is on as we are under the French Presidency here in Brussels. CHTM

Monday, July 7, 2008

Can You Prolapse From Becoming A Vegetarian TR LAW VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES IN THE SOCIAL ORDER (RDLvo. 5 / 2000 of 4 August)

written report to the worker on the essential elements of the contract and the principal terms of execution of the work done, in terms established by regulation. 5. Failure to inform part-time workers and fixed-term contracts or temporary vacancies on the company, under the terms provided for in Articles 12.4 and 15.7 of the Statute of Workers. (Amended by Law 12/2001) 6. Any other deficiencies affecting purely formal and documentary requirements. (Added by Law 12/2001)
Article 7. Serious offenses.
are serious breaches:
1. Not to formalize a written employment contractor when this requirement is required or when requested by the worker.

2. The transgression of the rules on contractual arrangements, fixed-term contracts and temporary, by use in fraud of law or respect for people, purposes, assumptions and time limits other than those provided by law, regulation, or collective agreement when such ends can be determined by collective bargaining.

3. Off the receipt of the amounts actually paid wages to the worker.

4. The breach of obligations relating to handling of receipts for settlement.

5. Violation of the rules and legal limits or pacemployers and of the unions in terms of credit hours paid and suitable premises for the development of their activities, as well as bulletin boards, in the terms on which thou art laid down by law or agreement.

9. The violation of the rights of the unions in order to recover fees, distribution and reception of information association in the terms on which thou art established by law or agreement.

10. Work conditions than those established by law or by collective agreement and the acts or omissions which are contrary to the rights of workers enshrined in Article 4 of Law of the Workers' Statute, unless appropriate sor classification as very serious, according to the article below.

11. Breach of the duty of information to workers in cases of contracts referred to in Article 42.3 of the Statute of Workers, and the duty of disclosure to workers affected by a succession of companies established in Article 44.7 of the same text legal. (Added by Law 12/2001)

12. Not having the company of the register of contractors or subcontractors who continuously share the same workplace referred to Article 42.4 of the Workers' Statute, when it behaves the absence of information to legal representatives workers. (Paragraph addedby Royal Decree Law 5 / 2006, dated June 9 and by Law 43/2006 of 29 December)

13. Not fulfill the obligations regarding equality plans set out the regulations governing employees or the collective agreement applies. (Paragraph added by Law 3 / 2007 of March 22)

Article 8. Infringements.

Very serious infringements:

1. The default and the repeated delays in the payment of wages due.

2. The assignment of workers in terms prohibited by law.

3. Lock-outs or stoppage, temporary or permanent, made without the authorization of the work, wherever mandatory. CHTMLX
C 4. The violation of child labor standards covered by labor law.

5. The acts or omissions that prevent the exercise of the right of assembly workers, their representatives and trade union branches in the terms that were established by law or agreement.

6. Infringement of the rights of care and access to the workplace, in the terms established by Article 9.1, c) of the Organic Law 11/1985 of 2 August, Freedom of Association, of those holding elected office at provincial, regional or state in the most representative trade unions.

7. The material breach of the duties imposed on the collaborative companiessary the rules governing electoral processes workers' representatives.

8. Violation of the provisions laid down regulations on trade union matters in collective agreements.

9. The employer's refusal to reopen the workplace within the prescribed period, where required by the labor authority in the case of a lockout.

10. The employer acts harmful to the right of workers to strike involving the replacement of striking workers by other unrelated to the workplace at the time of year, except in cases justified by the laws.

11. The employer's acts are contrary to respect for intiance and due regard for the dignity of workers.

12. The company's unilateral decisions involving adverse direct or indirect discrimination based on age or disability or favorable or unfavorable in terms of pay, hours, training, promotion and other working conditions, for reasons of sex, origin, including racial or ethnicity, marital status, religion or belief, political beliefs, sexual orientation, union membership or not and their arrangements, relationship with other workers in the company, or language within the English state and the employer's decisions involving adverse treatment of workers in response to a complaint withinra stop. (Paragraph amended by Law 3 / 2007 of March 22)

14. Failure by the employer of the stay of the effectiveness of the transfer in cases of extension of time to incorporate work ordered by the authority referred to Article 40.2 of the Statute Law Workers.

15. Failure by the company's obligation to implement the pension obligations to the company staff in the terms established in the regulations of the plans and pension funds.

16. Failure to comply with the rules on the limitation of the minimum proportion of workers hired for an indefinite period contained in the Act governing the subcontracting

Saturday, July 5, 2008

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What are the protocols or agreements CESEX

In order to be effective must be published in official newspapers. For those signed by CESEX must contain a number of details such as: purpose of the agreement, financing activity, economic environment and industry, necessity or expediency of the method used, economic and social objectives and the means to employ, if there are tradeoffs or guarantees to be granted by the Junta de Extremadura, control by the competent Ministry of Public Sector Undertakingrial, the implementation of the agreement and subsequent economic exploitation, notwithstanding the control they can exercise the Ministry or Agency that has signed the agreement, information and documentation that public companies must provide to the Board of Extremadura to comply with the functions and requirements management, monitoring, control and payments provided for in Community legislation and in its development, state and regional standards.
1 .- must be public since its publication for its success:
  • According LRJ-PAC, in any case the instrument of entrustment
    formalize the management and resolution must be published , for its effectiveness in the
The entrustment of the management of activities and services that are
    competition from other public authorities for public bodies or entities owned or dependent
  • of the Autonomous Administration require the prior approval of the Governing Council and will be formalized
    by signing the relevant agreement which in any case, there will be
    published in the Official Journal of Extremadura.
2 .- Moreover, in Article 8.2 of Law 4 / 2005, dated July 8, to reorganize the business sector in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, point to its content so that agreements and protocols and have the


ccoo.cesex - assists Cesex signing contracts or services with the Board?
Cesex "signing contracts to provide assistance or services with the Board

Cesex "signs contracts for assistance or services with the Board?

Never, under any circumstances. The relations of these public companies and the various Departments in their capacity as service itself and have instrumental and non-contractual nature, so that, for all intents and purposes, are domestic, dependent and subordinate.

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(LRJ-PAC). LRJ-PAC According to Article 15 is the activities of a material, technical and service within the jurisdiction of administrative bodies or entities of public law, which may be entrusted to other organs or Entities same or different administration, for reasons of efficiency or not possessing the appropriate technical means for their performance.
To this we must add the provisions of Article 75.1 Law 1 / 2002 of 28 February, the Government and Administration of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, under which consists of the activities of a material, service technician or the jurisdiction of the Administration of l

Thursday, July 3, 2008

How To Figure Out Nforce Version Creation of the League of Innovation Management of Extremadura, SAU

Society Building Management Innovation Extremadura, SAU

The Governing Council agreed to authorize the Society of Public Administration of Extremadura SAU to proceed to the constitution, as a shareholder only, a new one-man corporation whose corporate name is "Management Company Innovation Extremadura, SAU".
The new company will have initial capital of 100,000 euros, fully subscribed by the Society of Public Administration of Extremadura, SAU, a legal instrument to develop innovation policy in the region as a "key" to boost productivity and business competitiveness.
Among its functions will be to manage human resources, scientific and technological research centers in the region, promoting cooperation and active participation of all stakeholders (clusters, technology centers, university, government and other actors involved in innovation) and manage the investment and financing mechanisms to support research, scientific development and innovation.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Catchy Birthday Phrases For Invitations

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Adult Film Stars For Hire Holiday calendar of 2009

Holiday calendar of 2009

The Governing Council approved a decree fixing the calendar of public holidays in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura in 2009, according to which the parties paid and non-recoverable work are as follows :

January 1, New Year.
January 6, Epiphany.
9 April, Holy Thursday.
April 10, Good Friday.
1 May Labour Day.
August 15, Assumption of the Virgin.
September 8, Day of Extremadura.
October 12 National Day of Spain.
November 1, All Saints.
6 December, English Constitution Day.
December 8, Immaculate Conception.
25 dand December, Christmas.

Under the provisions of the Workers' Statute, the rest work for the November 1 will be enjoyed on Monday, November 2, and for the December 6 will be enjoyed on Monday, December 7 by match those parties on Sunday.
will also be unfit for work, paid and not recoverable - in the capacity of local parties - two days to be determined by the Directorate General of Labour of the Department of Equality and Employment on the proposal of the respective competent body of the City Council. The relationship of local festivals will be published in the Official Journal of Extremadura.