Saturday, July 5, 2008

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What are the protocols or agreements CESEX

In order to be effective must be published in official newspapers. For those signed by CESEX must contain a number of details such as: purpose of the agreement, financing activity, economic environment and industry, necessity or expediency of the method used, economic and social objectives and the means to employ, if there are tradeoffs or guarantees to be granted by the Junta de Extremadura, control by the competent Ministry of Public Sector Undertakingrial, the implementation of the agreement and subsequent economic exploitation, notwithstanding the control they can exercise the Ministry or Agency that has signed the agreement, information and documentation that public companies must provide to the Board of Extremadura to comply with the functions and requirements management, monitoring, control and payments provided for in Community legislation and in its development, state and regional standards.
1 .- must be public since its publication for its success:
  • According LRJ-PAC, in any case the instrument of entrustment
    formalize the management and resolution must be published , for its effectiveness in the
The entrustment of the management of activities and services that are
    competition from other public authorities for public bodies or entities owned or dependent
  • of the Autonomous Administration require the prior approval of the Governing Council and will be formalized
    by signing the relevant agreement which in any case, there will be
    published in the Official Journal of Extremadura.
2 .- Moreover, in Article 8.2 of Law 4 / 2005, dated July 8, to reorganize the business sector in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, point to its content so that agreements and protocols and have the


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