Sunday, July 13, 2008

Yamaha Reciever And Hdmi With Optical Audio In defense of social Europe 14-07-2008

In defense of social Europe | Asturias Opinion
In defense of social Europe 14/07/2008

The working time directive is being amended for some time by Deputy Alejandro Cercas, Extremadura, with family in Mieres cradle of English trade unionism. In its first reading in Parliament, sought to unify the law, avoiding, among other things, that in Britain there is virtually unlimited working time (prevailing custom, perverse, of individual liberties to alleged road contract) and by the recognition of the period Guard, including the idle time as working time. Now, like a recurring nightmare, the rule returns to Parliament for second reading.individual orking a means of regulating working conditions over collective agreements and inspections by the labor authorities. And exceptions are conducive to the limit of 48 hours, rising to 65 per week, or even higher, as applicable periods of computation.

endorse the words of Alexander that we are facing the great European debate: "If Social Europe is consolidated advances Europeanism, in the same way that Euro-skepticism grows with initiatives against social rights." Sarkozy focuses its renovations to allow working time you want without concern for the health and collective security. The red light is on as we are under the French Presidency here in Brussels. CHTM


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