"I must say that Parker
Kunkle is not an astronomer but Vedic astrologer, therefore modifying the Western zodiac is not achieved by its theory. Since I have knowledge, the division of the wheel of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus or the Serpent was always and this is by Kunkle, but Nostradamus. That is the Hindu counterpart is the only thing that made this concept astralogal refloat. "
"With respect to ground that because the earth's axis has a new penchant for Tsunami
Parke Kunkle
"Now, my approach is that this new stage astrology, could not, for now, bring down the system semiological (culture-language) and the set of codes and symbols that govern the social imaginary. Hundreds of thousands of pages of judicial astrology would collapse causing a schism that will divide the astrological world "conservative ofiuquistas" says Chaplain
"Ofiuco, las Centurias de Nostradamus y las Porfecías de los Mayas confluyen en un tiempo sideral que atrapará a toda la humanidad con fear of disaster desafĂoa telluric and cosmic consciousness making. This is a time to rethink the survival of humanity to the Earth's reactions so much harm to the nature III entered the third millennium with a constellation, Ophiuchus, and a planet less, PlutoN that nothing will change the destiny that we are assigned by the stupidity and harm to our planet green. "
ity of Minnesota and the other is Parker, Vedic Astrologer India, "explains Chaplain," The reality is that Ophiuchus, also known as the Snake, and there was always a convention of twenty centuries astrologers have not necessar viewed. The scientific pose Parke Kunkle is gravitational and Sidereal Astrologer while that of India is mythological Parker. Reach an agreement between astrologers will be a point for debate in Congress Esoteric World in December 2012, God and the Astros let us "concluded William Chaplain in the program" Guille, the Astros and People "by Canlas 7, TV town of Salta.
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