Mial raba and adored because it was not his friend, was his best friend.
- Dale, Alberto! It costs you nothing, "he claimed his brother.
"I said no and no. Also, do not even know. I can not accept anyone. "But it's good. Furthermore, neither you were a good coach. Alberto
raised eyebrow, really angry with the prosecution of his brother.
"If that's the way we're going to convince me, better walk changing strategy. "Please, he begged his younger brother. You'll see it's good, I assure you.
sighed, tired of regaining the same argument with his brother. This Ernest, his brother wanted to put in the Rugby team, wasnts.
still not sure why he had given an opportunity to come if, after all, was a petite guy, skinny knees at first glance did not seem to be powerful. But his brother had insisted, and not lose anything by trying it, if it ended being a bad player could send him to the bench forever. - All for today! He shouted, telling the hand to come closer to where I was. Ernesto walked
agitated, his shirt was too big and it was full of mud and grass clung to her body through perspiration. To get to where the coach was sat beside him, wiping the sweat from his brow and paying attention to the corrections that you gave. He sat ------------------------- Albert, "Petiso" Granado was six years older than the Bald, so he was 20 years was a freshman in the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry of Cordoba. It was a big fan of rugby and coach of this team of students, where he played Ernesto. Although the principle kept their doubts about him, soon proved to be a great player and had gained a reputation of tackling bold and aggressive and was attacking her cry, with which it launched towards the opponent, of "care, there is the furious Serna! (2) "which made Alberto baptize him with the nickname" Fuser "
After that evening, where he discovered what he read both began to get closer and seeproclaimed, and, another of the many de facto governments that had been in the history of the Argentine people was an afternoon of 1943. Ernesto the news had not surprised, had gone through so many in recent years that I was more than usual. That did not mean to support them, just simply stood apart from all political problem which could be involved. Appeared and someone who would force him to resign and then other years of democracy again fall into dictatorship.
was a never-ending game of politics in Argentina, a vicious cycle that did not believe that was just and in which neither was interested in entering. Either as counsel or as an opponent.
But Albert saw it in another wayra. To him it was unforgivable that someone would attack like that against something as essential and vital for a country like democracy. He could not allow something like that happened while he folded his arms, only to see the atrocities. No, he was not only against the new de facto government if it would show. the day of the demonstration, chaos reigned in the streets. Sounds of pots, fire, posters and shouting were all that could be heard. Screams filled with hate and courage, gorges broke the face of injustice and pain of living and hope that everything finally was over. did not take long to fall the police with batons and not long before crashing into the skin of AchaeaLlosa seeking a better future.
Seconds after they had arrived, were no longer cries of protest if not of terror and pain, crying from the pain of his bones breaking police brutality and shouted to the horror of seeing their comrades fall in battle arms, never to rise again. Seeing how the situation unfolded, Alberto hid his face from the smoke and ran to meet some friends to see what they could do now that everything was out of control. But before he was cornered by police and, before he could do something, he was face down while he was handcuffed and taken, along with another group of people, to the nearest prison. Ernest or hated for having participated in something like this knowing what would happen and did not lose any opportunity to tell every time he went to visit him in prison but to see it there, dirty, hungry and ill-treatment was much better than him six feet under and that was something I appreciated each time he approached his cell.
But of course, was too busy being angry and challenging him to tell him.
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" "A revolution without firing shots? Are you crazy?" - Ernesto "Che" Guevara
-Participate in the demonstration, "he once said Alberto. The committee asked prisoners to clandestinera being and many of the dangerous situations they had experienced had been just for fun without any valid reason to endorse such an act.
But the rebellion was feeling and if your friend had not been able to feel it was right, liberty and the desire to rebel against what you believe is wrong is born in the soul travels through the body and explodes in the heart, as the best orgasm that explodes and vibrates your whole body and leaves you entranced and renewed.
The pursuit of justice is not explained, he feels, is something uncontrollable, if not released will kill you. It's that feeling you get attached to another, the indestructible bond that needs no words or explanations because it is stronger than that, is to fight for the same cause, put yours dreams and hopes for a better future and, above all, fight for it
is something that can not be forced and he would not force his friend to feel it.
Many years later, Ernesto, and become the general Che Guevara, a sentence that would simplify everything Mial thought that afternoon in the prison in Cordoba at the refusal received.
If you are capable of trembling with indignation whenever an injustice in the world, we are partners, which is most important.
Months later, when he was finally released, the first thing he saw was a Ernesto out looking at him that way that only he could have, full of aggression and arrogance, a look that saidlways, for him there with that long leather jacket with the collar turned up in an attempt to keep warm and his hands in his pocket from the cold was a welcome to the real world, was a
"I'm glad you're back" and
signal that all was well. Alberto
What could not see in that look was that the
"Me and the world"
that read, also hid a
"If you're with me"
that it was becoming increasingly difficult to hide.
------------------------------------------------ Ernest never
---------------------------------------------- talked a lot about his family, I had never heard of an aunt or cousin or even their grandparents. The Unica of which he had spoken once had been his grandmother and did not need to say much to discover how important it was in his life. In March, parents of Ernesto took another major crisis, both economically and in their marriage and decided to split, this time, definitely.
With great anguish, said goodbye to her son and left for Buenos Aires, the home of his maternal grandmother.
Her grandmother was a big woman of 96 years and, although his health had always been enviable, the Guevara family always knew that one day all that sort would end. And that happened two months after his parents had arrived home.
The first telegram sent to him telling the state of the grandmother, Ernesto les contestó asking them to give details of how she was and if his condition worsened he would give up his work, go immediately to Buenos Aires.
The school had ended and after much hesitation decided logged in engineering at a college near where I lived, and although I did not feel passion for what he did, the race finish was interested and thought.
few days later came the dreaded telegram. The grandmother had suffered a stroke and his condition was very critical
same day, afternoon, quit her job and abandon his career with the sole purpose of visiting her grandmother.
He took the first train out there, some friends had paid enoughto his shoulder, humming songs about anything to make it sleep.
Her grandmother was so sick that he could not eat and no matter that their attempts were in vain, he spent every day trying to feed it. By arming yourself with patience, bringing the spoon to his mouth but can not open it, begging him to try a little, so
less. Without ever achieving anything.
And so he spent seventeen days he was there. Entered greeting her with "Good morning, Grandma," and kissed her forehead goodbye as she muttered a "See you tomorrow" that many times it had a "I love you so softly that sometimes even he himself could hear it. She said in despair, with a tone in his voice choked with panic and terror at the idea that this could be the last time he would be able to tell.
The dreaded day arrived, the day he sat down beside her and she did not react. The day that everything is finally over.
And all I thought I knew Ernesto was broken, shattered before his eyes and was unable to do anything to prevent the destruction in which her life had returned. The air was thick and did not reach his lungs.
The funeral was painful and eternal, his mother wept in the arms of his father and he just might be there still, in front of his coffin looking body ever had the soul of his grandmother and now he was a inanimate object.
There were times he came close, fear and tremblerous, grabbed his hand and stroked it as he had done every day those two weeks and ended up breaking her heart when she noticed he was still soft and warm.
Never in his life was able to forget that feeling that when he turned his back, she was breathing and blinking. I could never forget how painful it was his beat to the illusion that his own mind the play.
Hours after the funeral, Fuser and was up a train, heading to his beloved. Addressing his beloved Córdoba. Alone, all alone.
When Ernesto came home that evening, there was no need to say anything that Alberto could understand everything. In his eyes could see the pain she was wearing and he, a man of few words, onlyus words, not surprised at all of its decision but that hole in his chest was feeling just knowing that I would not see from here a long time.
"Sounds good, Fuser," was all that was able to tell. Felt that they had given more than a thousand kicks to the chest once, and as painful was the idea to stop him.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Weather happened and what happened was known. After settling in the house his family had on the street Araoz, Ernesto was recorded at the University of Buenos Aires to begin the medical career. Strange
return to the province where he had lived hiss early years, more in those conditions. Ernesto had always pondered the idea of engineering study medicine but ended up winning the battle of races until the illness of his grandmother beat him in the face, which destabilized a few seconds and then let knockout. Her grandmother had lost the fight against death and he had lost more than a relative. Time passed and friends were disappearing. Despite going to Cordoba all times the power allowed it, things were not equal.
whole family lived with him, which was a relief for him. Do not think he could live alone. Have your next family was a big help.
His friendship with Granado, going against everythingC La Poderosa
, man.
And so it was decided the trip and while Ernesto returned to Buenos Aires with the task of approving all matters that were possible, Alberto was preparing
La Poderosa, a '39 Norton 500's for the trip to coming ...
journey begins on January 4 from Buenos Aires to Patagonia, then to Chile. Then north up to six thousand meters in the Andes to Machu Picchu. Hence, they would head to San Pablo leper colony in the Peruvian Amazon. Final Destination: The Guajira Peninsula in Venezuela on the northern tip of the continent.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
" Nothina beside what he thought was happiness. His parents, bourgeois upper class, made to sleep outside with the dog and Alberto.
were many nights I heard the laughter of Alberto and the maid, kisses and cries escaping her throat. Many were the nights when Ernesto felt weird, uncomfortable knowing they were just a few meters. Without really knowing why, as it was known to all taste for women who felt his friend.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
Both days that they planned to stay stretched like taffy until, suddenly, become eight. Ernesto
really needed the promise that they wouldsaid nothing. That is something that his friend had to decide.
If you went up to the adventure, or down before it started.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
must go. There were no excuses to stay and everything I shared with him Chichina knew little, bitter. There was something waiting for him outside, nature called him, challenging him and cried for him. But Ernesto, man in love, was not able to notice it.
hands are fastened while watching the ocean, lost his hands in hers. And is that Chichina was so young, only a 17-year-old girl was still being mom and dad. The distance did not help his own ifourteen dollars to buy her a bikini.
was not the most romantic token of love, but put it away and promised to buy it.
"My heart was a pendulum between it and the street. I do not know how hard I got rid of their eye, I stretched forth his arms "(5)
. He wrote in a letter to his mother.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
In passing day, driving to the powerful left to become something nice to return a task rather exhausting and somewhat annoying.
alternating shifts when driving. Ernesto drove a whole day and so did Albert the next day.
The maNejar became so stressful that at night the forces that remained were used to assemble the tent and they drop in their sleeping bags until the next day.
The road going north. Always.
ate when they could. The money his parents sent him mail them enough only for a few days. Most of the time the meal came when a man solidarity gave them some of yours.
were cold, rain and hungry most of the time. The body will harden after many hours of driving and the Mighty, nevertheless, that it was getting the best ride of their lives.
------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------
San Martin de los Andes. January 31, 1952. Km 2051.
"Today we eat duck-sentenced Alberto.
- Pato? Where do you want to take out one?
"We'll hunt, man," The Petiso rubbed his hands, trying to warm them up and walked toward the river. "
"Give me the gun that gave you your old-Ernesto drew from his pocket a small gun and handed it to Alberto. That gun he had given his father in an emergency. Never paid much attention in his pocket outweighed the $ 14 Chichina that this gun.
They were silent until they heard a gunshot and the sound of a duck to water falling .... - Vos sos boludo? -Ptried, deep. Suffering with each new part of your body that was covered by water.
to the chest was completely wet when he managed to grab the demon duck.
out of the water was worse than death. The wind hit your whole body frozen, could not move my feet and did not feel his fingers. Upon reaching the shore, he fell on the floor breathing hard. Seemed to suffer from a start of hypothermia or something like that (the end of the day, Ernesto was a medical student. Not him.) Alberto raised him from the floor, pulled the covers of the bag and covered it completely.
------------------------------------------------ The ----------------------------------------------asthma. Alberto running up and looked through his stuff a box that had given him before the trip.
"If I grab an attack inyéctame that" he had said, hours before leaving.
found the needle and a bottle of liquid laundry encircled. Carefully open the bottle and filled the syringe. He walked to his friend and placed the shot in the arm.
then sat down beside her and waited until they take effect. Seconds later, his breathing regulated and, though still breathing hard, he was much calmer. Mial
sighed with relief. He had not realized that held his breath until he took off all that air accumulated inwhat to say. Alberto stretched out his hand until it collided with Ernesto. He did it without realizing it, had moved to do something, simply.
Neither ran his hand and still looked hard in the dark. Ernesto could imagine, his pointed nose, his hair full of curlers dirty by the dust of place and somewhat mischievous grin on his side. Without really knowing why, stretched his hand to grab his and give it a strong grip.
minutes passed and were still holding on when Ernesto, even delirious high fever, went a little further. Alberto
felt it coming, heard the sound of the sleeping bag to crawl on the floor but all she did was squeezing his hand harders was named but I could feel, or at least Ernesto still felt that little touch, the more I wanted to forget it more to your mind again.
was strange, all things lived with him, only that he came to mind was this. It seemed as if everything else had ever existed, as if, after that, had before it another Alberto.
ideas were nonsense, he knew. Remained the same man next to him, the same Mial. Nothing had changed. What he had done in a moment of delirium that Alberto was not clear when he had done and, instead, had fastened his hand harder, did not mean anything.
His attitude was different. Both Alberto as he ntent and "what he
answered" I do not change the subject, tell me what's wrong. "
Once achievements, pulled his arm forcing him to stop. Their eyes clashed and Alberto was so angry, so disgusted with the attitude of his friend had even begun to doubt whether the trip had been a good idea.
- can you tell me what the fuck you? He asked, speaking slowly and angry. Spitting rage in each of his words.
"It's okay," I replied.
-Ready, Fuser, "said Albert, loosening the grip of the arm. Andate a cagar.
Before he could turn, Ernesto grabbed her jacket, pulling him towards him, joining his labC I stood before the river, looking at nothing. Even with the letter in his hand.
respect his pain and stood a few feet away, waiting to finish doing whatever they were doing.
"Come," said Ernesto, without even looking. Walking straight.
Ernesto surprised with all the strength of his soul. I miss her smell, her smile and her sensuality. He missed his touch and how to look at it, full of love and innocence. He missed
know that at his side, the security of knowing who was next to him. That joy installed in her chest when he remembered.
Añoraría everything she knew. But I also knew that it was worth, that this trip was goingleto control of the situation. Ernesto
kissed him furiously, her hands ran over her chest. Soon, the kiss has lost meaning and became a battle of tongue and teeth. She bit her lower lip and at every sound that came from the mouth of Alberto lose a little sanity.
kissed her neck, leaving a path of saliva with each kiss and fixed his teeth in those parts that seemed more enticing, leaving a small mark.
Soon the clothes were superfluous and Alberto took of her shirt falling off a thud on the floor of the tent. His hands roamed her body, kissing and biting his nipples, giving little kisses to every piece of skin that was discovered.
Ernesto was the first to remove lyou pants, his hand shaking with excitement, nerves and completely dominated it was a place in his mind that he was aware of what they were doing, knew it was wrong and that he would regret it. But those doubts were sunk between kisses and caresses that I was receiving.
Their bodies collided with necessity and awkwardly, not knowing exactly what was done at the time, began to rub, friction felt her body go, drowning out the groans begging to get out of their throats.
did not know what they did, only did what they asked that their bodies were left to manage by them as puppets and unaware of anything Alberto Ernesto ended up face down, kissing her body as her hands downif stomach reaching your penis. Fuser
put his hand inside her underwear, feeling his erection through his fingers. She played with her, caressed her while muttering obscenities in his ear.
Unable to contain himself, began to hear the groans around the tent and how good they were alone in the middle of the road because their screams could have been heard by anyone else.
dropped his erection and a laugh escaped his lips at the complaint of Albert. He kept kissing her back when she heard the sound of her underwear down.
A sort of panic washed over, a voice inside her head exploded inside, after repeating "I will take, Fuser going to take." Tnte. It was a volcano eruption, lava could feel the wet kisses from his friend in his fingers on his body, in his words, his whole being.
What I felt then never be able to explain, Ernesto had removed his fingers and a groan escaped his throat seconds before feeling another kind of pressure. Never had anything like this, any woman, any fantasy I had prepared to be penetrated.
-God, who close you are, bastard, "Ernesto said he heard and wanted to laugh. I was having sex with her best friend, had traces of saliva all over his body and the type remained the same as always. The same Fuser who had been riding in the back of his bike was that it was penetrating and
------------------------------------------------ Both had
---------------------------------------------- be afraid to face the other day when, waking up naked, they recalled what happened the night before.
is seen from behind, avoiding their eyes as much as possible. Each time they clashed in the tiny tent away as if they had received an electric shock.
put things together in silence and could not be avoided only when more came face to face. "Come on, Fuser Alberto said, pointing to the bike.
Ernesto was the pilot that day and Mial, being co-pilot, sat in the back and hugged her waist with his arms.
A feeling of relief, as if he had lost something wrapped back at the touch of another.
-Dale, boludo. That is cooling me the ass here, "cried Albert, laughing. I was in high spirits, suddenly.
"Look I do not stop until the next town, uh-advised Ernesto, adjusting his glasses and laughing with him. Everything seemed normal, even though they knew he was not. But what of that now, if both were immersed in the adventure aboard La Poderosa.
Temuco, Chile. February 18, 1952. 2,772 Km.
Or that's what I thought. A few miles the bike started making a strange noise and unable to stop, lost coErnesto said, laughing. Cerra
-ass and kept walking.
needed a mechanic, knew it. But they had not a penny so Ernesto, heeding his friend once in his life, entered the building Chilean Journal, the Southern and, together, made a small note that, if everything would be fine, would serve to fix the bike. That night they slept in an empty store Central Market and the next morning, with the Southern in hand, went to the garage.
Upon arrival at the workshop, the man explained that management was broken, there were almost no brakes and the gearbox was completely broken. The man was willing to help but only if they paid him.
and did, was greed.
were not people, so it deserved to be treated like animals.
That was the thought of driving land capitalist and proletariat, could only gather their few belongings and go to another place, where they would have another landowner who would do the same.
And there the situation was different but at the same time, equally. Although treated leprosy was not contagious, doctors were forced to wear gloves for what? It was something that had not been able to ascertain.
If not go to Mass, receiving no food on Sunday. Forced you to believe in God because, as the nuns, to feed the body first had to feed the soul. No matter if you were an atheist oranother religion, there is all that mattered Christianity.
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Ernesto I caught those miles that separated them from the colony, how grotesque they were isolated, like the plague, as if they had to be hidden.
slept the two together and when all the lights went off, hers was on.
never did end up as planned. It groped, approached it slowly and once they were together, lost control of everything.
The first kisses were slow, their tongues were timid, making them shock travel throughout the body. Hands